Data Utilization & Security

The Yamato Group stores and handles the important personal information of many customers. In order to continue operating our business sustainably in the future, we believe that it is essential to ensure information security. We are working to prevent the leakage of personal information by setting based on our Group Corporate Philosophy and Corporate Stance, which advocate the protection of personal information. Going forward, in addition to ensuring information security, we will also utilize big data obtained from vehicles nationwide to solve social issues and provide new value.

Related SDGs
  • Goal 9
  • Goal 11
  • Goal 12
  • Goal 17

Sustainability Metrics and Targets (2024–2026)

  • Attain 100% attendance rate in information security training for all employees
  • Achieve zero serious information security incidents
  • Attain 100% implementation of email training for employees and information sharing to strengthen cyber security

For detailed targets and results, please refer to Sustainability Strategies, Goals and Results.

Promotion Structure

In order to ensure information security, the Yamato Group has established a system to continuously supervise and handle information security-related matters, led by the Compliance and Risk Committee, chaired by the officer responsible for compliance and risk management. The Yamato Group business divisions that handle confidential information most frequently have also acquired ISO 27001 (ISMS) certifications.
For details of ISO 27001 certification status, please refer to ESG data.

Policies on Data Utilization and Security

As a custodian of customers' personal information, the Yamato Group considers it its social responsibility to protect information assets. We have therefore formulated the following information security policies.

Information Security Initiatives

The Yamato Group conducts information security training once a year, aiming for a 100% attendance rate. We also conduct regular internal and external audits. The risk of cyberattacks from outside has increased in recent years, and we believe that countermeasures are an urgent issue. The Yamato Group has established a dedicated department (YAMATO CSIRT) to combat cyberattacks and is engaged in various preventive measures. In order to ensure safe and appropriate handling of personal information, we will continue striving to improve customer confidence by instilling rules on information security and expanding educational opportunities.

Data Utilization Initiatives

Enhancing Development of Digital Human Resources

The Yamato Group provides courses on digital technology as part of its training by intake year in order to improve digital literacy across Group companies.
We started training sessions for director candidates from FY2023, and in FY2024, we provided training on data utilization for around 100 employees who are in their third year after graduating from university. We plan to continue improving this program as we conduct it going forward.

Enhancing Data Management

In addition to the development of human resources, we believe that data quality control is also important in order to achieve the effective realization of data-driven management and are enhancing data management to support this.
As part of this effort, we established a data-utilization consultation desk as a function for checking the legality and reputation risk involved when using data in-house.

Selection for Digital Transformation Stocks

Yamato Holdings  was selected as a Noteworthy DX Company among the Digital Transformation Stock Selection (DX Stocks) 2024 program, which is jointly held by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, the Tokyo Stock Exchange, and the Information-technology Promotion Agency, Japan.

DX Stocks Digital Transformation