The Yamato Group believes that building good relationships with stakeholders-such as customers, employees, local and international communities, business partners and suppliers, shareholders and investors-and coexisting and prospering together with them is the foundation for sustainable growth.
In addition to upholding its core values and corporate philosophy, the Group works to appropriately convey its thoughts and ideas to stakeholders and help their understanding, taking the opinions and expectations of stakeholders seriously, and reflecting them in its business.
Responsibilities and Methods of Communication with Stakeholders
Stakeholder |
Main responsibilities |
Methods of communication |
Examples of relevant initiatives |
Customers |
- Appropriate provision of products and services
- Appropriate understanding of requests and expectations through communication, and contribution to the development of new services and improving quality
- Customer call center
- Information disclosure on the corporate websites
- Social media services (YouTube, X (formerly Twitter), Instagram, LINE, Facebook)
- Television commercials
- NPS survey
Employees |
- Respect for human rights and creating a safe and hygienic work environment free of discrimination and harassment
- Provision of ability development training schemes
- Development of strategies and systems to achieve decent work
- Various training schemes
- Surveys on awareness of work style reforms
- Issuing internal newsletters
- Internal reporting (whistleblowing) systems
Local Communities and International Society |
- Contributing to the resolution of local community and international social issues
- Coexisting with local communities and international society through corporate citizenship activities
- Social problem-solving business conducted in collaboration with local governments and private-sector companies
- Corporate citizenship activities such as children's traffic safety classes and Kuroneko Yamato environmental classes
- Logistics facilities open to the public for tours
- Museum open to the general public
- Internships
Business Partners |
- Fair and equitable business relationships
- Building responsible procurement activities
- Respect for human rights and creating a safe and hygienic work environment free of discrimination and harassment
- Daily visits to partner stores
- Regular meetings and training with transportation partners (transport partners, delivery partners)
- Questionnaires of business partners and suppliers
- Consultation desk
Shareholders and investors |
- Active disclosure of information
- Appropriate shareholder returns
- Understanding opinions through dialogues and contributing to the sustainable growth and improvement of corporate value
- Holding general meetings of shareholders and financial results briefings
- Issuing of integrated reports and shareholder newsletters
- Communicating information via corporate websites
- Responding to questionnaire surveys from assessment and survey organizations relating to ESG, etc.