
The Yamato Group's greatest assets are its (approximately) 180,000 employees. It is only through a working environment where each and every employee can refine and make full use of his or her individual strengths that the Group itself will become stronger. In addition to establishing schemes and mechanisms related to the working environment, we are also focusing on fostering a corporate culture with appropriate labor practices.
In its employee code of conduct, which emphasizes "the pleasure of work" and "co-existence and co-prosperity with stakeholders," the Yamato Group advocates respect for the human rights of individuals and respect for diversity (including nationality, race, ethnicity, religion, ideology, place of origin, gender, age, disabilities, gender identity, sexual orientation and employment status), and prohibits discrimination, violence, and harassment.

As a supporter of the United Nations Global Compact, the Yamato Group supports and implements the recognition of freedom of association and the effective recognition of the right to collective bargaining, the elimination of forced and compulsory labor, the effective abolition of child labor, and the elimination of discrimination in respect of employment and occupation.

Related SDGs
  • Goal 3
  • Goal 4
  • Goal 8

Sustainability Metrics and Targets (2024–2026)

  • Employee engagement scores
    Desire to continue employment:71%
    Sense of growth:67%
    Sense of contribution to the Company:69%
  • Annual paid leave utilization  : 90%
  • Ensure 100% attendance rate for specific health checkups
  • Desire to advance career among operational managers : 66%

For detailed targets and results, please refer to Sustainability Strategies, Goals and Results.