Quality Management

The Yamato Group pursues strategies based on customer-driven and data utilization approaches.
We aim to achieve our goal of continuing to be recognized as offering the highest standards of quality by maintaining and enhancing the quality of services from the perspectives of both consumers and corporate customers.
Based on the evaluations of individual customers and the expectations of corporate customers, we are working to improve customer evaluation of our services and the value that we provide by operating a Company-wide improvement cycle.

Basic approach

Main Initiatives

NPS (Net Promoter Score)* Customer evaluations based on survey

NPS is an index that measures the level of attachment and trust in companies and brands based on "promotion." It is used to visualize relationships with customers and improve engagement.
In recent years, it has become possible to measure not only the degree of attachment but also customer perspectives with regard to services, such as panes and expectations for each driving factor. Yamato Transport has been using the evaluations of individual and corporate customers to improve its services based on the three perspectives of (1) views about the company, (2) comparison with competitors, and (3) what is taken for granted by society.

  • *NPS® (Net Promoter Score) is a customer loyalty index that scores customer loyalty (trust, attachment and favorable impressions) to a company's products and services numerically using an 11-step scoring system (0-10).
Net Promoter Score

Building a Customer Opinion Database

Customer Opinion Database

Customer opinions and evaluations can be obtained from various sources, including NPS surveys, telephone, email and chat inquiries, direct verbal comments, and digital logs. We have built an integrated database to make a top-down, comprehensive judgment of these sources, and ascertain the current situation and visualize problems by linking the database with BI tools* to make improvements promptly.

  • *BI tool (business intelligence tool): a tool to aggregate a range of internally accumulated data and analyze the aggregated data to help make business decisions

Communicating Initiatives to Improve Products and Services

Yamato Transport improves services based on the opinions and requests of customers.
We communicate information on initiatives to improve products and services and enhance the customer experience and convenience on Open in New Windowthe Improvement Examples Based on Customer Voices page. (Japanese only) .